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This release (2.4) is the results of changes requested by our users. We have simplified navigation, enhanced reports, and implemented protection against accidental response deletion.

  • Survey reference (URL)
  • Safe question editing
  • Simplified navigation
  • New page Our Clients


Survey reference (URL)

Do you want to collect feedback from your web service users and easily gather information which page has been evaluated. We enhanced reporting system. Now system automatically saves information about so called reference (URL) – a web page on which survey has been opened.

Survey reports - referring (URL)

Safe question editing

Did you happen to accidentally delete answer choice and collected responses? We implemented a special mechanism that will protect our users from accidental response deletion. System will automatically detect if there are responses already collected, and if true it will limit editing options. You will be still able to correct question or answer choices but it will be impossible to remove or add new answer choice.
 Edit survey question (safe mode)

Simplified navigation

It is even more simple now. Now you can navigate to survey design page directly from the list of collectors and back to the list of collectors from survey design page.
Button - collectors list

New page "Our Clients"

See who else is using SurveyLab – Our Clients.

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